Thursday, March 15, 2007

Color me...

I haven't been knitting much the last couple of days, because I've become overwhelmed by the project of choosing colors for a fair isle pattern. I've read about color theory. I've looked at a lot of examples, but I am forced to admit that I just can't do it without laying out the money for some color cards. I know the color families I want to work with and I thought of just buying seven tones of each color and picking out my nine colors from them in person. But, I can't even tell whether colors are warm or cool from catalogues.

Why have I been so resistant to ordering color cards? Well it's money spent that could be spent on yarn. I know it's illogical, but I have a hard time spending money on knitting related items that aren't yarn. I don't have a full set of needles. Every time I need a needle I don't have, I go to my LYS and pick up a set of needles, but by the time I check out I've put them back and bought yarn instead. That's not cheap, that's irrational.

Here is my progress on the Forest Path Stole:

As you can see I have finished the fourth Tier. I t really is an easy project. The lace patterns are simple and easy to memorize. The only difficulty is the size of the project. I think it can be hard to maintain a commitment to a piece that will take several months to complete. I guess I've completed about one seventh of the project (21 tiers plus the border). I think I might try knitting one using different lace patterns after I finish this one.

I mentioned the quilt I am making for my friend's baby before, but I didn't show any pictures, because it wasn't ready. Well it still isn't done and the baby is a month old. Maybe if I post a picture of a section of the unfinished quilt top I will be inspired to finish it. This is for little Maxine:

I tried to choose bright colors that wouldn't make her mom gag, I even stuck in quite a bit of pink. The over all impression when you stand back is red, but its full of orange and magenta and yellow. This photo captures about one ninth of the top. I've been almost done with the piecing for two months now. I better get on with it.

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