Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hey y'all, I got my camera back. So now I can show you what I've been working on lately. A few days ago I was checking out Brooklyn Tweed's site and I saw this stunner:

Red Light Special Hat

I immediately decided to make one for myself. It's made in KnitPick's Telemark and I just happened to have several balls of Cream in my stash. Even though it was almost midnight, I knew I had to start as soon as possible. So I pulled out the food color and vinegar and produced this.

I'm not sure I made the best color choices, but I was almost out of yellow, so I made do.

Here is my version of the Red Light Special.

I'm not completely happy with the colors, but I do like the pattern, especially the decreases enclosing the band of colorwork on the top.

I don't know if you can tell, but I had to shrink it to size. I knew I was off gauge, but I've knit telemark in fairisle at the suggested gauge and haven't liked the stiffness of the fabric. It was too big in exactly the right ratio for felting to fit. It took about twenty minutes to get the right amount of felting, by hand. I also didn't knit a 3 inch lining as in the pattern. I live in Texas and sportweight stranding is already too warm for most of the winter, so I just did a one inch hem to maintain the lovely edge of Brooklyn Tweed's pattern. I like the pattern a lot and will likely knit it again.

Okay, I just have to share a little sunshine. This is Gianni.

Isn't he gorgeous. He's my sister's new puppy. He's full of boundless puppy energy. I was puppysitting when I took this picture. It took two days to recover. I love looking at puppies, but I really don't have the energy for them. Give me a ten year old dog any day.

I got these rosewood needles for Christmas and put them away. I just took them out and look at what I noticed.

That's about an inch difference in size. I love them anyway, because they were a gift from my brother. But I can't believe whatever shop sold them didn't notice or care.

I'm still desperately waiting for the yarn and pattern for my Forest Path stole. I'm hoping it will come this week. My fingers are itching.

1 comment:

HibiscuitsGirl said...

Pretty hat! I think the colors are very lovely.

Cute puppy too! But I also would rather hang out with an older dog. Those puppies are cute, but naughty!