Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Forest Path Stole had a lovely picnic in the backyard...

I thought it would help her feel a little less neglected. I haven't been knitting much at all lately. I've managed to finish the 12th tier, but I haven't touched it for a week. I have been thinking about knitting though. I tend to go through these periods of obsessing about new projects... what yarn to buy, which books to order or borrow. For some reason, all of the actual knitting just stops cold.

So what's the problem? Well by the time the books are available at the library and the yarn has come in, I'll just be getting back into the swing of things. So now I'll be distracted by all the new yumminess, and next thing you know I'll need the needles I'm using for my current WIPs for the new WIPS. This is how you end up with a huge pile of unfinished objects mouldering in the back of the closet.

I would make a public vow to finish what I start and get a little more disciplined, but that's just not going to happen. So in light of my current frame of mind, here is my ridiculously overthought, terribly underplanned, and totally preposterous list of future projects:

1. Niebling's Lyra.

Okay, what you should be thinking is: "Girl, you haven't even finished those simple little doilies you started months ago. Who you think you're fooling?" Well, you are absolutely right, but I know that I am far more likely to complete tedious finishing if it's on a complicated project that I have invested hundreds of hours on. Those other doilies were just practice. And besides fooling myself is fun.

2. A fairisle scarf based on Eunny Jang's Venezia pullover from Interweave Knits.

Don't even say it. I know it will likely cost about 50% more than the sweater, and take even longer. I've been lusting after that sweater for a long time, but a) I have sworn off knitting sweaters for myself for the next two years, and b) a gorgeous 12" wide double sided fairisle scarf always fits you and never goes out of style. If I'm going to invest that much money and time in a project I want my niece to be able to wear it in 2050.

3. A masculine yet fashionable cashmere/silk scarf for He Who Will Not Be Named as thanks for all of the wining and dining. I haven't yet decided on a pattern. This one's hard. I need the perfect scarf for a male fashionista, glam, yet subdued. See, I'm starting to have more reasonable expectations.

4. A pair of Jaywalkers in the Cestari sock yarn I picked up a while ago. Oh my, I've gotten almost pedestrian now, but this is a really great pattern. It's just about the only one I've found that works for this yarn that's not just a plain sock.

5. Best Friend Cardigan from Big City Knits by Wen Len Chai.

It would look smashing on a good friend of mine with a not so busty figure. Wow, now I've finally succumbed to huge needles and rope-like yarn.

6. Mary Lynn Patrick's multidirectional lace cardigan from the new Vogue Knitting.

I know I swore off knitting sweaters, but don't worry. Things this far down on the list never get done anyway.


mona said...

I'm going to start this with Colormart laceweight as well. What size needles are you using??

HibiscuitsGirl said...

FPS is sooo pretty! I can't wait to see her finished and blocked. (No pressure or anythin'.)

Dawn said...

Hi Regina
Your FPS is looking fabulous! I'm using the colourmart laceweight in pale blue. I think you're brave listing your future wips (which aren't too many) as I know I'd have 10 new things otn if I dared to look through my magazines!

regiknits said...

I'm using size 3 Crystal Palace bamboo needles and 2/28 laceweight.