Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I am very worried about my neighbor kitty. She is always in my yard, even when it is freezing outside. I've brought her inside a couple of times when it sleeted. I am pretty sure she has an owner, because she wouldn't eat the cat food I put out for her when she was looking really skinny. I'm now afraid she is pregnant. It's not that cold in Houston, but it could freeze again and I don't think newborn kitties would make it in freezing weather.

I've tried to find her owner, but no luck. I can't take her in. I'm afraid to take her to the SPCA because she could have an owner, and she's just jacked up enough to get euthanized. I think the tongue sticking out to one side and the constant stream of drool is cute. I'm not sure that she would be appreciated by the masses. I just don't know what to do.

Here is a picture of her at her best.

She's got her tongue tucked in and she looks less like some strange cross-species genetic experiment than she usually does. It's all in the lighting.


MiniLaura said...

Hey fellow Houston Knitter!

I read the stuff about your cat on Knittyboard. I wish I could help you out and take her in for you.

There are a lot of great animal rescue groups in Houston that might be able to help her find a home. Good luck.

(if you live in town, you should come to the central Houston SnB!)

regiknits said...

I think I'm going to try to keep her.

Annie said...

Yay! Keep her. It's so hard- I used to volunteer for a shelter and it wasn't "no kill"- a sad necessity, but one none the less. Maybe you can keep her as a more or less outdoor cat, and just bring her inside when it's really hot or cold? I know a lot of happy outdoor cats...

Good luck with her. Your description totally cracked me up, though- especially the tongue and drool bits!